BS Pretty Dirty Papers

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Frida Kahlo Impression

All art is but dirtying the paper delicately.


John Ruskin

“The Elements of Drawing”

This website is a digital cabinet where I store my art and my blog postings.  I titled the site based on the quote above since there is nothing more motivating than a blank page for me to make my mark.  This year, my goal is to create new art tiles starting with the 170+ official Zentangle patterns and my favourite non-official tangle patterns.  I will share any tips, resources and art prompts I come across to help motivate you to keep practicing your hobbies.  So, read more about how I “dirty paper delicately” and see a list of 10 random things about me, a wannabe Renaissance lady.

BlackScorpio’s Blog

I’ve been writing opinion articles since the late 1990’s.  It was not coined “blogging” back then.  Nowadays, my blog is a personal journal of my hobbies and also a means to share my hobbies and interests with like-minded folks.  I am a proponent of escapism.  Sometimes we need relief and a distraction from the less fun side of life aka adulting.  This blog will include updates on my drawing and painting progress, helpful links and articles I’ve come across, and any new hobbies I pick up along the way e.g.  How to bake Sourdough Rye Bread recipes.  Hopefully, we can learn from each other!

Tangle Pattern Step-outs:  Nibs by BlackScorpio

Tangle Pattern Step-outs: Nibs by BlackScorpio

Nibs is one of my most used tangle patterns.  Here are the tangle pattern step-outs to help you draw Nibs.  This tangle pattern came about when I got tired of using "Tipple", an official Zentangle® pattern, for space fillers.  Since circles are my favourite shapes to...

At last!  The site has re-launched!

At last! The site has re-launched!

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Looking for some motivation, tips and tricks, how-to information, zentangle patterns, and links to art hobbyist groups?  Here I share my list of resources that can help you with your activities.  I have learned so much from these sources.  The links I visit most often are sites with Zentangle patterns and tangle step-outs, art and journal prompts websites and social media group pages.  If I feel unmotivated to create art, I visit this page.  If I am stuck on ideas, I visit this page.  If I forgot how to do something, I visit this page.

Ideas are brewing


My favourite medium is pen and ink. since it is so portable and inexpensive.  Furthermore, I can use many things as my canvas such as a napkin or newspaper.  I am trying to learn and practice the following art forms:

Floral Coaster Zentangle pattern

Zentangle®, Zentangle Patterns and Tangling

Kitty Katastrophe Study


Baby Duckling, 2015




How Many of These Have I Uploaded Here?

Curious as to how many tangles, drawings, paintings and music projects I have uploaded to the site?  Well, the counts are below!  It will be interesting how many pieces I have done over time.  Between family time, work, chores and social events, I wonder if I can even complete one 25-minute tangle a week.  Then again, 2020 has been, so far, the year of extra time at home!




Music Audio or Video

The Pond
Auraknots Study

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